How to fix snapchat account locked

How to fix snapchat account locked

You might be here because your Snapchat account got locked, huh? Don’t worry, I’ve been there too. It can be super frustrating, but don’t panic. I’m here to share my experience and some tips on how to get your Snapchat account back up and running.

Fix Snapchat Account Locked

Step 1: Figure Out Why Your Account Got Locked

The first thing you need to do is figure out why your account got locked in the first place. Snapchat usually locks accounts for reasons like violating community guidelines, using third-party apps, or suspicious activity. Check your email or the Snapchat app for any notifications or messages explaining why your account was locked.

Step 2: Contact Snapchat Support

Once you know why your account was locked, it’s time to reach out to Snapchat Support. You can do this through the app or their website. Be polite and explain your situation clearly. Provide any necessary information they ask for, like your username and email address associated with the account.

Step 3: Follow Snapchat’s Instructions

After contacting Snapchat Support, they’ll usually give you instructions on how to unlock your account. This might involve verifying your identity by providing a phone number or email address. Follow their instructions carefully and be patient. It may take some time for Snapchat to review your case and unlock your account.

Step 4: Change Your Password

As an extra security measure, consider changing your Snapchat password once you regain access to your account. Choose a strong password that’s hard for others to guess and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.

Step 5: Learn from Your Mistakes

Once you have your account back, it’s essential to learn from what happened. Make sure you understand Snapchat’s community guidelines and follow them to avoid getting locked out again. Avoid using third-party apps or engaging in suspicious activity that could violate Snapchat’s terms of service.

How to submit a locked account appeal

If you believe your Snapchat account was locked unfairly, you can appeal the decision directly within the app. To do this:

  1. Open the Snapchat app and try to log in.
  2. If your account is locked, a pop-up message will appear.
  3. Look for the button labeled “Appeal Decision” and tap on it.

This will begin the appeals process where you can explain why your account should be unlocked.

What happens when a decision is reached on my locked account appeal?

If your appeal is approved, they will send you an email confirming the success of your appeal. Your account will be reinstated, and any strike against it will be removed.

If your appeal is rejected, Snapchat will send you an email informing you of the denial. In this case, your account will be deleted.

In most cases, it takes about 24 to 48 hours for Snapchat to decide if your account will be reinstated or permanently locked.

Learn more on how to fix Snapchat account locked here.


Getting your Snapchat account locked can be stressful, but it’s not the end of the world. By following these steps and reaching out to Snapchat Support, you can usually get your account back. Remember to stay calm, be patient, and learn from your mistakes to avoid getting locked out in the future. Good luck!

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